Darrell Norman’s Price List

Par Fleches

Cylinder form

24 inch $ 375

20 inch $ 285

18 inch $ 195

Envelope style with fringe

14 x 14 inches $ 355

12 x 12 inches $ 250

Envelope style no fringe

8 x 8 inches $ 85

6 x 6 inches $ 55

The par fleches are made out of buffalo or elk rawhide and painted with traditional Blackfeet geometric designs.


Unpainted 13 & 15 inches

$ 90 – $ 125

Painted 13 & 15 inches

$ 125 – $ 300

The price is depending on the size of the drum and complexity of the painting.

Rawhide Rattles

Simple rattle

$ 65 – $ 85

Decorated rattle

$ 125 – $150

The rattles can be decorated with feathers, fur, bells, cloth, brain-tanned buckskin and hooves.

Traditionally Painted Hides

$ 750 – $ 6,000

The price depends on the type of hide used and the complexity of the painting.

Soft Sculpture Fetishes (hanging)

Horse 25 cm x 22 cm

$ 125

Buffalo 25 cm x 23 cm

$ 125

Elk and Bear are also available

Priced upon request

The fetishes are of brain tanned buckskin and decorated with feathers, old-fashioned beads, rawhide, dew claws etc.

Buffalo Hide Shields

$ 385 – $ 425

The price depends on painting and decoration.

These prices are retail prices. We have whole sale prices available for galleries, museums and shops that want to buy in larger quantity.

To Purchase any of the items shown here please email us or call (406) 338-278